The basilica monument Saint-Denis / France


Serge dos Santos, administrator for the Basilica of St Denis and French Monuments, asked me to create a projection using the media provided (photographs and audio recordings of interviews). 
The project ‘La basilique vue de ma fenêtre’ (The basilica seen from my window) was developed in collaboration with local residents. Photographer Aiman Saad Ellaoui entrusted me with two sets of photographs: the basilica captured by each resident from their window and a portrait of said residents. Author Sophie Poirier chose phrases from the interviews to create a poetic compilation.
During my many visits to the basilica, Serge Santos granted me access to the entire building, from the crypt to the bells, from the tombs of French kings up to the eaves of the tower. I recorded video footage to incorporate into the installation.

The installation was exhibited on 15th and 16th December 2017, in the Basilica forecourt.

Photographs with the Dionysians by Aiman Saad (Excerpt)

Remerciements :

Serge Santos – Basilique Saint Denis
Carine Tontini – Association Franciade
Aiman Saad Ellaoui
Sophie Poirier

Commissariat général à l’égalité des territoires
Ministère de la culture
Préfecture de la Seine Saint-Denis
Centre des monuments nationaux
Ville de Saint-Denis
Plaine Commune

Abaques Audiovisuel